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標題: Schmidt-Rubin Model 1931 (Karabiner 31 or Swiss K31) [打印本頁]

作者: lululam    時間: 5-2-2013 08:52     標題: Schmidt-Rubin Model 1931 (Karabiner 31 or Swiss K31)


Schmidt-Rubin Model 1931,一般叫 Swiss K31。Schmidt-Rubin rifle 有多個型號,一般係 1889、1911、K11 (Karabina 11)、同埋 K31 (Karabina 31),karabiner 即 carbine。

Schmidt-Rubin 由1896/11 開始用嘅子彈係 7.5mm x 55 (GP11),係少有嘅直拉式 BOLT ACTION。由於瑞士係中立國,二戰時 K31 只用嚟防衛,並冇參加過主要戰役。瑞士軍隊由 1889 年一直用 Schmidt-Rubin 到 1970 年,係世界上最長服役嘅 rifle 之一。K11 及之前型號,槍身用 Walnut 做,直到 K31 後期先用 beech stock。而我呢支係早期 walnut stock,我專登揀的,而且 receiver、magazine、同刺刀 serial numbers 全對,唔係太普遍。

Magazine 可入六粒子彈,另外有 stripper clip 可預裝子彈,由 receiver 直推入去,唔使續粒入。喺 ebay 買咗兩個,而家喺歐洲寄緊過嚟。當用完最後一粒子彈,個 magazine 塊底板會頂住個 bolt 閂唔埋的,因為提醒士兵入子彈。而冇裝子彈要閂埋個 bolt,用手指頂一頂就可以了。

呢套 K31,連原裝皮槍帶、muzzle cap、刺刀、刺刀套、刺刀腰帶、magazine。早幾個月貨源充足時,成支槍新嘅一樣,stock、receiver、bolt 都好似新出廠咁靚,但近幾個月開始斷貨,價錢漲高好多。呢支 walnut stock 算唔錯了。

Check 過呢支 serial number,係 1934 年出廠,79 年歷史了!!!

[ 本帖最後由 lululam 於 4-2-2013 20:47 編輯 ]

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作者: lululam    時間: 5-2-2013 09:02

上網買咗 480 粒 GP11,連原裝盒寄到,每 60 粒用 wax paper 包好,每 10 粒一盒。1982 年出廠,全新一樣。

[ 本帖最後由 lululam 於 4-2-2013 20:03 編輯 ]

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作者: kai_matt    時間: 5-2-2013 09:34

作者: rho837    時間: 5-2-2013 10:05

作者: Tekkno    時間: 5-2-2013 11:10

nice !!   
Ching i wonder where you still can find ammo nowadays?
作者: lululam    時間: 5-2-2013 11:27

原帖由 Tekkno 於 4-2-2013 22:10 發表
nice !!   
Ching i wonder where you still can find ammo nowadays?
There're still a lot of surplus ammo for .30-06, 7.62 x 54r, 7.5 x 55, and some other. 8mm Mauser ammo is drying up, it's hard to find reliable surplus ammo. 7.62 x 39 are being sold like crazy right now (Because of the shooting at Connecticut. Politians are screwing things up. Long story). But it will get to normal few months later.

And there're some new factory made available at reasonable price. And I could always save up the brass for reload if I want to. So there's no worry.

The point is, I'm planning to buy a Lee Enfield No.1 MK III. The 303 British rounds are expensive and there're no surplus available. I love this rifle because the British used this rifle to defend Hong Kong during WWII. I have to get one for my collection. When I collect things, I would use them. I won't let them sit in the gun case forever.
作者: Tekkno    時間: 5-2-2013 11:57

303 has dried up... and the assault weapon ban dried up ammo everywhere. I sold a few box of .22 for 300% profit
作者: garand    時間: 5-2-2013 14:13     標題: 回覆 1# 的帖子

作者: lululam    時間: 6-2-2013 05:41

兩個 stripper clips 今日喺歐洲寄到了,collection complete。

其實重有個 diopter sight,但重貴過支槍,唔買了。

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作者: downton    時間: 9-2-2013 16:41

收藏咁多好玩具, 真誠希望睇到林生屋企個槍櫃.
作者: rho837    時間: 9-2-2013 16:49

外國玩槍冇得同香港比既! 我班叔叔啲"地下槍房" !.........望完冇性趣玩槍!
作者: MANKF    時間: 9-2-2013 17:02

原帖由 lululam 於 5-2-2013 08:52 發表

Schmidt-Rubin Model 1931,一般叫 Swiss K31。Schmidt-Rubin rifle 有多個型號,一般係 1889、1911、K11 (Karabina 11)、同埋 K31 (Karabina 31),karabiner 即 carbine。
lululam C-Hing,玩bolt action槍就好似玩機械表一樣,back to basic,但就會愈玩愈上癮
作者: lululam    時間: 13-2-2013 10:16

坦白講,我冇槍櫃,屋企冇細路仔,啲槍入 soft case 放喺睡房而已。

接下來重有槍嚟緊,如果屋企夠大就買個掛牆玻璃櫃放好,做埋 display 就靚晒了。
作者: Tekkno    時間: 14-2-2013 14:30     標題: 回覆 13# 的帖子

Whats coming up next
作者: leoleo0517    時間: 17-2-2013 01:58

作者: lululam    時間: 17-2-2013 04:56

原帖由 Tekkno 於 14-2-2013 01:30 發表
Whats coming up next
Russian M44, Chinese Mosin-Nagant 53, and a Yugo SKS with grenade laucher.

I'm waiting my FFL to contact me when all 3 rifles are ready.
作者: Tekkno    時間: 17-2-2013 09:29

bought from Samco or Buds ?   too bad i passed the $119  Type 53 deal from Budsgunshop. (out of cash because i bought a MP5 Clone )
作者: lululam    時間: 17-2-2013 13:02     標題: 回覆 17# 的帖子

Tried SAMCO, they don't ship to NYS. Many gun shops misunderstand the new laws. They think semi-auto are banned in NYS, but it's not. No matter how hard people explain to them, they don't listen.

I bought mine from Gunbroker. Even at Gunbroker a lot of sellers don't ship to CA & NY. It's a huge misunderstand. Some even don't ship ammo.

Got some 7.62 x 39 available at Wideners. Go get 1000 rounds pack if you want before they're all gone.
作者: Tekkno    時間: 17-2-2013 18:32

Ching can pm me or disclose the price you paid for those rifles?   I am in a market for SKS or Yugo Mauser
作者: Tekkno    時間: 17-2-2013 18:34

Wideners is selling 7.62X39 for 35 cent each..  too bad I dont have a gun for it
作者: lululam    時間: 18-2-2013 01:57     標題: 回覆 19# 的帖子

Just ordered 1000 round 7.62x39 from Wideners. I bought my SKS from Gunbroker. The Yugo SKSs go for anywhere between $400 - $600. It depends on condition and how you bid it. My seller only provides a stock photo so I really don't know what my SKS looks like until I receive it. Bidding skills is essential, I'm experienced on ebay so I know the tactics.

Anyway, many seller don't ship to CA even if the SKS is without the grenade laucher. You have to read all rules and conditions before placing a bid. This applies to any online gun store, many of them don't sell to CA.

For Yugo Masuer, go to Yugo suplus rifles are all in pristine condition, because they take the rifles out every five years to clean them and put them back to storage. Many of them are unissued, so bascially they're new old stock. Problem is... 8mm rounds are expensive because all surplus ammos have been dried up. You may try ordering from SAMCO but people say they're slow in shipping and poor in packaging merchandise
作者: Tekkno    時間: 18-2-2013 12:21

Thanks for the reminder   I am waiting my local sporting shop to have those Mauser and SKS back in stock   Guns on gun broker or Armlist are overpriced. also i don't wanna deal with shipping and pay $60-100 for FFL transfer
作者: lululam    時間: 19-2-2013 05:30     標題: 回覆 22# 的帖子

Don't expect local gun shops would sell at low prices now. Especially SKS, I doubt if an SKS would show up at a gun shop before everything gets back to normal. Even if it shows up, I'm sure I would be gone within 4 hours.

Many stuffs on Gunbroker are overpriced. But use ebay tactics you could buy something at reasonable price. For FFL transfer, try finding another one. $60 for a transfer is a rip off. Ask people at your local firearms forums to find out cheaper ones.
作者: Tekkno    時間: 19-2-2013 06:14     標題: 回覆 23# 的帖子

Yes that is true, Ching can teach me some ebay tactics ?    

$60 is lowest in silicon valley,  most ffl transfer is $90-$100 out the door   
作者: lululam    時間: 20-2-2013 01:30

Then you may apply a C&R. I don't want to give up my 4th amendment right, that's why I don't want to get one. My FFL only charge $20-$25 per transaction. It's not too bed. A C&R license is good for 3 years, and you only have to pay $30 for all 3 years.

There's no rush. For example you want to buy an SKS from Gunbroker, just browse and save those you're interested in your list. Just let people bid on them. For a week or so, you can see how people bid on them and the done deal prices. Some are as high as $500-600, some are as low as $350 (same nice condition, not the beat up ones). Then choose those sellers who ship to CA. Save their listings on your list. Those deals which end after 11:30pm ET normally are sold at lower prices because bidders go to bed before 11pm and they simply miss the final moment. Set a target price (for example you're willing to pay $450), the bid on $430.

One thing to remind you is that Gunbroker has the last 15 minutes rule. So you may not be able to bid at the last 15 minutes. Refresh the page to see if someone outbids you. If so, set the bid at $450 at the last 16 minutes. If you get it, then get it. Otherwise, try another one until you get something at your target price. Remember, no rush. There're plenty of them in the market.
作者: Tekkno    時間: 20-2-2013 08:48

Thanks Ching for your advice,         
No, i am too young to apply for a C&R 03FFL
作者: 2slow    時間: 20-2-2013 14:12

Nice collection
作者: lululam    時間: 20-2-2013 15:27

原帖由 Tekkno 於 19-2-2013 19:48 發表
Thanks Ching for your advice,         
No, i am too young to apply for a C&R 03FFL
Got a Swiss K11 and an Arisaka 99 checked out on Simpson Ltd. Want to buy both of them. Also want to buy a Yugo M24/47 Mauser from Classic Firearms. Then the Lee-Enfield No1 and No4.

My collection is just growing too fast. I've bought 6 rifles and thousands of ammo in less than two months. Need to have some control.   They're so much cheaper than camera lenses.

But I'm really itching on the K11 and Arisaka 99, they're really nice. I'm deeply into World War II history.
作者: Tekkno    時間: 20-2-2013 16:01

I would go for the yugo Mauser and lee enfield first, these rifles are going fast and drying up soon,
Arisaka is a headache when it comes to ammo finding but they are cheap
作者: lululam    時間: 22-2-2013 05:58

原帖由 Tekkno 於 20-2-2013 03:01 發表
I would go for the yugo Mauser and lee enfield first, these rifles are going fast and drying up soon,
Arisaka is a headache when it comes to ammo finding but they are cheap
Arisaka is not cheap. If you go for a mismatched rifle with a ground mum, they go for $250 up in rough shape. I have my eyes on a Tyep 99, with matching parts and an intact mum. It's $550!! And it's without the bi-pod.

If I ever own one, I'll only buy a box or two Hornady ammo. Then I'll reload the brass. Or reload from 30-06's brass.

New old stock Yugo Mausers are all over the place. There's no rush to get one. As many sellers misunderstand the NY SAFE ACT, some of them don't sell anything to NYS, some of them don't sell semi-autos to NYS only. Really want that Arisaka and K11.

The Nazi German rifles are really expensive right now. Don't know where to get a nice one at reasonable price.
作者: Tekkno    時間: 22-2-2013 07:14

I think it depends on area, here in the Bay Area, arisaka with matching bolt is around $250 while a Mauser M48 is 299+
作者: lululam    時間: 22-2-2013 09:09     標題: 回覆 31# 的帖子

Are you sure the Arisaka is all matching and in good condition with the mum intact? I guess rifle prices are very much similar across all states because people can trade over the Internet. I would definately take it at $250 if I ever see one.
作者: Tekkno    時間: 22-2-2013 09:17

San Jose gun exchange have them   take some photo next time, price may have changed time. Last time i went there was November 2012
作者: Tekkno    時間: 22-2-2013 09:19

No mum intact is impossible to find unless you pay $800 plus
作者: lululam    時間: 22-2-2013 12:15     標題: 回覆 34# 的帖子

That's what I'm saying. The one I put my eyes on has an intact mum and all matching parts, 97% blue and excellent bore. It's $550. Don't know how long I can hold my finger until I call the shop to buy it.

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