原帖由 kornhill401 於 31-5-2018 12:16 發表
係未我計錯左.定係我數錯D數目字?Thx for sharing.
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The SIG 553R in classic 7.62x39 made by Swiss Arms, formerly known as SIG, definitely is the "Czar of AK's", but has been kept very low profile in the industry and the market so far, the information black-hole quickly becoming a mystique.
Based on the unreached Swiss Arms SG 553 system the 553R (Russian) combines world reknown and life depending Swiss engineering quality with the powefull Russian 7.62 x 39 round, bringing the SIG 55X design full circle back to it's inspirational origins.
At $3300 the 553 is not your burn up and throw away AK, but one of the most expensive variations of the AK design, intended only for decerning operators, that want warfighting quality with clock work precision from the box.
Originally intended for the ex Eastern-Block and emerging Middle East and African markets, at this price numbers so far are small and ownership a privilege for a small exclusive circle that can afford the name of the western worlds most exclusive cornerstone weapons forge and this rare but ultimate AK variant.
原帖由 Dave 於 31-5-2018 12:19 發表
99999 應該鳩寫的,
「開放預定卡位 不用訂金 售價尚未公布 約7月到貨再通知報價! GHK SIG 553 GBB 瓦斯氣動槍,瓦斯槍,長槍」
原帖由 MG-42 於 6-6-2018 22:56 發表
之前GHK AK就LCT買stamp steel body套野出左咁耐井勝,Guarder,Lct用左咁耐價平... 但553新造都係stamp steel body?? 如果制程一樣新開件造應該不會太平吧
原帖由 MG-42 於 21-6-2018 04:04 發表
大量生產不高,但氣槍產量咁少,要造新模具,起碼貴WE果D cheap合金鑄造一截... 鋼沖氣槍新出冇邊枝係平, 而且唔係好大既槍廠邊有錢買機沖壓, 搵人代工成本已經高左一截, 佢D GBB AK都係同LCT拎鋼沖kit比LCT食左一浸 ...
原帖由 MG-42 於 21-6-2018 04:07 發表
原帖由 Opica 於 20-6-2018 17:02 發表
遲下有551 kit
http://www.wargamehk.com/cgf/vie ... p;page=1#pid1306147
原帖由 MG-42 於 21-6-2018 04:13 發表
有排... 前日佢FB先post相話收到鋼沖代工廠D件,未砌未染色...先前又吹3月, 睇個勢10月都未必有, 未計佢D post全部英文...睇落似首輪外銷為主格局
原帖由 MG-42 於 21-6-2018 10:29 發表
你說屈曲成形及剪切模只是鋼皮那part,槍不是月餅盒只得個外盒 ,鋼皮與裡面鋼框架焊接或鉚釘,或要鑲鋼片加強肋工序更多吧,下身同trigger group結構組合,鋼barrel座同上身都要焊接,上身裡面有鋼加強肋支持槍機... ...
原帖由 no-name 於 3-8-2018 10:15 發表
http://www.papagoarms.com.tw/Pro ... tectCookieSupport=1
計返港紙 $3780,咁又唔係貴 wo,全鋼有 C9 曲
原帖由 no-name 於 3-8-2018 10:15 發表
http://www.papagoarms.com.tw/Pro ... tectCookieSupport=1
計返港紙 $3780,咁又唔係貴 wo,全鋼有 C9 曲
原帖由 no-name 於 3-8-2018 13:44 發表
睇左幾段片 full 果陣都噴晒氣... 未磨合好...?
原帖由 RCman 於 10-8-2018 10:54 發表
當年AK 105新出,我都係有折買新鎗。
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