原帖由 Tekkno 於 20-2-2013 03:01 發表
I would go for the yugo Mauser and lee enfield first, these rifles are going fast and drying up soon,
Arisaka is a headache when it comes to ammo finding but they are cheap
Arisaka is not cheap. If you go for a mismatched rifle with a ground mum, they go for $250 up in rough shape. I have my eyes on a Tyep 99, with matching parts and an intact mum. It's $550!! And it's without the bi-pod.
If I ever own one, I'll only buy a box or two Hornady ammo. Then I'll reload the brass. Or reload from 30-06's brass.
New old stock Yugo Mausers are all over the place. There's no rush to get one. As many sellers misunderstand the NY SAFE ACT, some of them don't sell anything to NYS, some of them don't sell semi-autos to NYS only. Really want that Arisaka and K11.
The Nazi German rifles are really expensive right now. Don't know where to get a nice one at reasonable price.