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Spanish Mauser M43

Spanish Mauser M43

今日攞咗支 Spanish Mauser M43,今日用咗好多時間清潔呢一把、同埋另一把槍。

M43 係二戰時德軍 Kar98K 的變化型,外型、操作大致相同。由西班牙 La Coruña 生產,本來想買支 Yugo M48 或 M24/47,但俾呢支槍個 Spanish Crest 吸引咗,加上唔多人擁有,所以買咗佢。另外上網喺第二間店買咗把 M1943 刺刀襯返一套,第兩個星期就到。

而家最大問題係買唔到 8MM 子彈,所以 surplus 同 factory ammo 都斷晒貨,剩低啲 30's 同 50's 中東出產的 surplus ammo,全部都會 hangfire,大危險了,慢慢等一排有好子彈先買。上星期五,一條友攞三百槍打咗兩、三百飛,星期日又同朋友打多二、三百飛,已經好多把槍了,唔急買子彈。

Receiver 同 bolt 都係 matching numbers.

[ 本帖最後由 lululam 於 22-3-2013 23:09 編輯 ]


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Support! 我尋日先收咗枝k98 大家口味都幾相似喎


師兄唔想用伊朗surplus ammo既話可以用Yugoslavia 既8mm Mauser ammo,雖然無咁平($0.5 per round vs $0.3 per round) 但至少無咁多hang fire. (土耳其8mm surplus 都ok不過原裝firing pin spring 可能有時會有light strike )


我都想買 yugo surplus,但搵唔到……


師兄我啱啱訂咗Turkish 8mm $85 for 140 rounds shipped , 要唔要link?


都幾貴喎~~ 不過而家有錢都買唔到。

Link, please. Thank you!!


Not expensive at all! 140 rounds for 85 and it included stripper clips!


Thank you bro!!!

All their ammos are expensive. But perhaps that's why they have stock. Just ordered the Turkish rounds to test the rifle. Will buy some PPU when they become available.


PPU are sold out everywhere + it isnt that expenive, considering $1/ stripper clip, ammo is only ~$0.3/round, i also bought some Iran surplus $300/1000 rounds. But turkish rounds are def better than Iran stuff


I've signed up every online ammo stores for the email notification if something is in stock.

The Turkish loads are hot. People always say they're hot load. But some say they are no different than all other Mauser surplus.

Turkish load with stripper clips were sold at much lower price only few months ago. This store is expensive 'cos for example their 30-06 is 35% more expensive than others. Many stores are still selling the same price as of last year.

However........ If they don't sell at this price, I wouldn't able to buy some at this moment.

Really thank you a lot!!!


I have not aware of ammo price last year so I am not sure about the price, however with surplus ammo vein dried up e.g 303, 7.7,6.5 jap, Italian rounds,and of course 8mm , I think a quality surplus rounds are gonna be around this price until there is a large amount of surplus rounds ever imported again.
Some local gun shops told me some countries in Europe are trying to clear their old weaponary, so we may expect a large amount of military surplus rounds and rifles in late Summer
Hope this is true
Yes Turkish rounds are pretty hot in powder charges, it also have a hard primer which stock 98 firing pin spring have a hard time light striking it,
Change the stock firing pin spring to the wolff 24-26lbs one if you have trouble striking the primer of yugo or Turkish rounds

[ 本帖最後由 Tekkno 於 25-3-2013 04:48 編輯 ]


原帖由 lululam 於 23-3-2013 12:06 發表
今日攞咗支 Spanish Mauser M43,今日用咗好多時間清潔呢一把、同埋另一把槍。

M43 係二戰時德軍 Kar98K 的變化型,外型、操作大致相同。由西班牙 La Coruña 生產,本來想買支 Yugo M48 ...
Very similar to Vz24


VZ24 A.jpg (29.33 KB)

25-3-2013 16:36

VZ24 A.jpg


Yes, the Czech, Yogo, and the Spanish Mausers are very similar to the German Kar98k on appearance and mechanically.


外觀上我唯一睇到嘅就係個upper hand guard extend 到去個西嘅後面


原帖由 lululam 於 26-3-2013 00:42 發表
Yes, the Czech, Yogo, and the Spanish Mausers are very similar to the German Kar98k on appearance and mechanically.
係嗰個年代啲Bolt-action槍,支支都差唔多,由Mauser 1888,Springfield M1904,Mosin Nagant M1891/30.....Mauser Kar98k,個bolt都係大同小異! 不過我較喜歖bolt action槍就好似玩機械表一樣,原理簡單,但非常細緻準確

[ 本帖最後由 MANKF 於 26-3-2013 15:52 編輯 ]


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