
關於1911 問題

關於1911 問題

想請問下有燒開1911 既師兄, 前幾日有幸人生中第一次燒1911 遇到兩個問題:

1. 打左大約50 飛到, 我開槍隻手既虎口位有輕微燒傷(?) / 瘀傷, 打個陣唔覺, 係後來先見到有少少瘀血. 咁樣係咪正常, 定係我隻手擺得太高? 我上過外國網搵, 似乎見唔到有人有類似問題?

2. 我打個陣, 個GROUPING 係好穩定咁去左目標左手邊(我右手開槍). 網上1911 用家話係開槍手指擺得太入, 同埋因為45 出速比較慢, 手指個動作會影響到子彈出槍時個指向. 但係我個人覺得可能係因為個握把比較大, 所以我要D 手指移前D 先可以握得實D 咁 (唔知我有無理解錯?). 有無訓練補救方法?

"At the common law no man can be prohibited from working at any lawful trade, for the law abhors idleness."

Sir Edward Coke


回覆 2# 的帖子

1911 燒傷/瘀傷 (我一陣UPLOAD 圖, 其實我都唔肯定係乜黎) 唯一我見到有類似情況既係係非常強烈訓練既時候, Eric Haney, Inside Delta Force: The Real Story of America's Elite Military Unit (2003) p139-140

"We did it over and over and over. Soon the fun went out of it, and it became work. And about that time, it became painful. The .45 is a powerful pistol with sharp recoil, and the tight grip we used meant we absorbed the full force of the recoil in our hands and arms.

Soon like everyone else, I had a large, painful blister in the web of my thumb from the pounding of the gun in my hand.[...] After a while, the blister turned into a big callus that stayed on my hand for the next eight years."

so.... idk.

[ 本帖最後由 derp 於 2-1-2019 17:06 編輯 ]
"At the common law no man can be prohibited from working at any lawful trade, for the law abhors idleness."

Sir Edward Coke




IMG_0326.jpg (18.8 KB)

2-1-2019 17:05


"At the common law no man can be prohibited from working at any lawful trade, for the law abhors idleness."

Sir Edward Coke


回覆 5# 的帖子

ooooooooooooooooooh..... 原來如此. 搵到料了. 唔該晒師兄.

至於grouping 個問題... 有無得搞?

[ 本帖最後由 derp 於 2-1-2019 17:17 編輯 ]
"At the common law no man can be prohibited from working at any lawful trade, for the law abhors idleness."

Sir Edward Coke


係. 不過係邊度出我就無留意啦. 只係佢D 件可能有D 舊, 雖然佢LUB 得好好都係STOVEPIPE JAM 左兩三次, 同埋佢D 夾有D 舊, 塊底片彎彎地, 有時頂唔到個滑架.
"At the common law no man can be prohibited from working at any lawful trade, for the law abhors idleness."

Sir Edward Coke


回覆 7# 的帖子

係LOR, 我都見過類似既野. 唔知呢, 我用AIRSOFT 就無呢個問題. 但係可能用真鐵個問題會放大左啦. 好, 等我留意下先.
"At the common law no man can be prohibited from working at any lawful trade, for the law abhors idleness."

Sir Edward Coke

