
[問題] 關於 Mantis X10 Elite

[問題] 關於 Mantis X10 Elite

唔知大家有無用過? 睇過幾條片同review, 真鐵世界講到好似唔錯, 又美國要隔離個陣唔夠彈藥, 個個都搵乾火代用搞到依家好似好潮咁, d 返饋好有用咁. 見到官網話可以用落氣槍, 但係又無人出過片講氣槍應用. 我打算用黎訓練氣槍射擊技巧 (grip, draw, split time, recoil control 個堆). 唔知有無師兄試過用落氣槍度? 同埋想問下個感應器點知我係咪已對準目標?

[ 本帖最後由 derp 於 30-4-2021 18:20 編輯 ]
"At the common law no man can be prohibited from working at any lawful trade, for the law abhors idleness."

Sir Edward Coke


係... 就係見到佢話氣槍都用得有D 興趣.

似乎香港未有人玩. 見到個價錢都唔係叫太貴, 係SHIPPING 要耐D. 遲下睇下會唔會買, 我買左整個開箱啦咁.
"At the common law no man can be prohibited from working at any lawful trade, for the law abhors idleness."

Sir Edward Coke

1 個讚好! TOP

前提係買左先 過多三個月好大機會係已離港所以都諗緊係咪真係會依家買. 買完未SHIP 到已走左就無謂. 都係再過多陣先諗啦.

如果係出就真係失禮晒. 會係第一次出開箱.

[ 本帖最後由 derp 於 2-5-2021 23:06 編輯 ]
"At the common law no man can be prohibited from working at any lawful trade, for the law abhors idleness."

Sir Edward Coke

