
ksc m4a1

They're too late throwing their M4 GBBR to the market! We've had the solution to fix our problem child M4s. And we would not spend more $$$$$ into new M4 GBBR.......


After playing various M4 GBBRs, my only advice is you really need to test them by your own self! You can't just walk in a toygun store test 1 or 2 mags and conclude they are reliable! Its better awaiting your friends or anyone you know to give the fair comment after actual playing for few months of the particular M4 GBBR!

Some advice!
1) Watch out any M4 GBBRs don't manufacture magazines! Or don't have enough mag stocks available on the market!
2) Always reliability come first! Don't rely on looks and feels.
3) Don't modify once you brought it.
4) Don't 100% trust any expensive aftermarket uppers / lowers or any parts and accessories! I saw quite a few of these don't come to quality standards and not fit!
5) Should consider the back ground of the manufacturer! For GBBR (that come with factory mags) I would consider first the well know large name in Taiwan then Japan......!

M4 is always alive! If KSC is factory made reliable! Our friends will let us know.


Playing GBBR!

If can save money, must buy USA imported handguards, grip and stock, B.U.S for direct bolt on installation!


Toy parts worth very little when used.

orginial un-damaged USA imported parts worth 70~85% some even more than 100%+ no matter what with some scratches and old looks.

playing GBBR M4 is only for playing the USA imported parts and accessories hand feel and operation! Of course if they can shoot well! Why not consider into the package!     

Currently, I've sold some un wanted 4 years old used parts! 85% of the original purchased value! That's why I recommand USA imported parts.

[ 本帖最後由 rho837 於 4-11-2010 12:19 編輯 ]

