37 123

LOOK: warning trade gone bad MARTIN YIM

早12月我睇某外地gear論壇叫略略知一二 ....




受害者分別來自美國 , 加拿大同西班牙


但E個年青人以乎忘記了PAYPAL 有名同資料可尋 ,

雖然不停開分身acc扮放野或交易 ,Fake Paypal account, 寄空包裹 , Ebay 羸左唔比錢(淨1個受害者已有共80個unpaid item)........ etc 層出不窮

但從地址 / credit card holder 依然可發現乃同一人所為

而眾受害者係3個外地gear 論壇亦有開post合力追緝此香港人下落



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[ 本帖最後由 bonzonie 於 23-1-2011 01:51 編輯 ]


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原帖由 seamoncheng 於 9-1-2011 21:48 發表

我諗可能D victim 係自己國家己經報左案

不過始終隔個大海 , 效率不高先過黎香港開post自己追


原帖由 coke 於 9-1-2011 21:57 發表

依家都未搞得清發生咩事... 就去老點人報警?


咁得意靜係post CGF? 吾post埋友台?

如果真係咁desperate, 要去到呢個地部, 咁call得CIA黎拉人喇係吾係阿?

我話不 ...
友台 cut 左 post 啦


原帖由 ~~方~~ 於 10-1-2011 00:00 發表

可能樓主係鬼佬 , 用左鬼佬forum 方式 post....尤其d "追討" topic

E堆 address 係鬼佬forum 完完全全 leaked  

所以已PM suggest 佢mask咁d address...

[ 本帖最後由 bonzonie 於 10-1-2011 11:56 編輯 ]


20110110_64f9048f68ab64345dd7UQ2MzeDGztXr.jpg (154.74 KB)

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寄個空包裹比人,似係為左Track no 防止 PAYPAL 被 Claim

文:"Tracking number for the package He sent to me, HK post: RB266031785HK (shows as a letter when it should be a package or parcel)"

btw , 加拿大E家乜鐘數?


[ 本帖最後由 bonzonie 於 10-1-2011 00:50 編輯 ]


原帖由 lycos 於 10-1-2011 01:17 發表


唔好off topic 啦
我相信佢係要solution 同指引點做


原帖由 MKL04438 於 10-1-2011 10:53 發表
  when he sell  the LBT rivron vest? Would you mind to provide more info for RESLUCHUB , pm him or reply here is fine

[ 本帖最後由 bonzonie 於 10-1-2011 11:00 編輯 ]


原帖由 ~~方~~ 於 10-1-2011 15:30 發表



咁點解佢唔叫果個香港人去報警,反而要post 當時人既資料上cgf?

係咪樓 ...
E個post 係同GEARSOC forum 原文 一模一樣


你search 下 Z 字頭個名係yahoo

第一個result 係咪CGF

我諗好多蒲開ebay 既香港人都識樓主,佢亦放過唔少野比HK人,亦有自製gear

今次亦有3位本地wargame人 見完gearsoc 個post , 決定相助,包括在下


我認為有証有據有相又何來抹黑 ,

佢係gearsoc 曾經post 過一大段和"Z 字頭" 的email 對話內容

比第一個post 更詳細

其實邊有人無啦啦搵自已攪咩 , 如果係抹黑,事主尋日 online 左成日CGF又做乜唔入黎

樓主都講左用左 gd1893 師兄既方法報左警

唔叫香港人去報警, 係大部分鬼佬係認為第一身報警比較有效,亦無謂攪着他人



如果呢個topic 有各地外國人收害者入埋黎 , 我相信更 out of control

[ 本帖最後由 bonzonie 於 10-1-2011 18:57 編輯 ]



黎HK airsoft forum 係樓主主意
因為佢地search過yahoo 起"z"君

佢主要係想gear back , 報警其次
雖然endup 都報左香港同加拿大警

Z 君 來自HK , 早前在下收到樓主的一系列求助email , 有詳細 Z 君和樓主的email record.  :

紅字:Z 君

From: knoxboland@hotmail.com
To: xxxxxxx@hotmail.com
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 09:40:00 -0700

Tue, 14 Dec 2010:

I have lots of stuff for sale:
not pictured: AOR2 test bdu set in small regular.
let me know if you are interested in anything"

Tue, 14 Dec 2010:
I am interest in your EAGLE pouch in khaki,and the AOR2 bdu set
do you want to trade?
I have a early gen AOR2 1961A and a CP AOR1 phototype combact shirt

Tue, 14 Dec 2010:
"Hi, which eagle pouch? or are you interested in the whole lot?
what size is the combat shirt?
thank you!"

Wed, 15 Dec 2010:
I am interest in the whole lot,
The combat shirt is small regular,
I also have one set of M-R and S-S Early Gen BHI HPFU

Wed, 15 Dec 2010:
"okay I am Interested in the small regular and maybe the medium regular too   I'll hold the MJK stuff for you.
could I get pictures please?
here are other items I have
SEAL used LBT, eagle, and veltye pouches

SEAL used LBT rig

DEVGRU AOR2 test bdu small regular
SEAL ORC PCU L6 medium

WILCOX M600 tailcap for control grip

let me know your offers"

Wed, 15 Dec 2010:
Here is the shirt,
and a EAGLE hydration pouch,
I also interest in the SEAL used LBT rig,the 6094 type
SEAL used LBT, eagle, and veltye pouches lot
AOR2 0612
what is the M600 wilcox tailcap for?
may I have more photos of your AOR2 uniform?

Wed, 15 Dec 2010:
"Looks good.
do not need the hydration pouch
sounds good I will get these things seperated and send you lot photos so we know everything is right, then you can start offering me $
the m600 tailcap is for a surefire scout light. it works like the m951 tailcaps with the button and the pressure switch, though I do not have the pressure switch. it can also be plugged into a wilcox control grip.
I will get you more photos of the uniform later today, but for now here is the info I have on them:
"They are Made by CLAW gear but Its not a classic clawgear product.
This set has been given to me by a friend who got it from a gold team operator.
Before Crye precision AOR2 sets, devgru asked many brands to make some sets in AOR2.
Otte , beyond and claw gear made some sets.
those sets was all different, that's because all thoses brands didn't have the same AOR2 fabric...Or designs
The set you have is an authentic product...not bought from clawgear...." "

Wed, 15 Dec 2010:
also list what you have,
I will make a list for u soon

Thur, 16 Dec 2010:
"here is everything you have requested:

1. Eagle Industries SFLCS IFAK medic pouch
2. Eagle Industries SFLCS canteen pouch
3. Allied Industries SFLCS DMR mag pouch
4. Allied Industries SFLCS triple shingle mag pouches
5. Eagle Industries SFLCS 100rd nutsack pouch
6. Eagle Industries SFLCS double M4 mag pouches
7. Eagle Industries SFLCS single M4 mag pouch
8. Eagle Industries SFLCS shotgun shell folding pouch
9. SEAL used BHI triple M4 pouch
10. Allied Industries SFLCS MAP
11. SEAL used Veltye swimmer pistol mag molle pouch
12. SEAL used LBT tan molle frag pouch
13. SEAL used LBT tan molle popflare pouch
14. SEAL used LBT tan molle large radio pouch
15. SEAL used LBT tan molle triple m4 mag pouch
16. SEAL used Eagle FSBE molle fb pouch
17. Eagle Industries SFLCS double stack FB pistol pouches
18. SEAL used LBT tan molle admin with pistol pocket
19. SEAL used Allied Industries FSBE IFAK
20. SEAL used early gen 6094 molle vest, tan
21. Allied Industries SFLCS suspenders
22. DEVGRU gold team claw gear test AOR2 uniform S/R
more pics of the aor2 set:

more pics of the 6094:

other stuff I have for sale:

1. BOLLE goddles with velcro to helmet mod
3. TASC headset
4. Surefire helmet light mount
5. Wilcox control grip m600 scout tailcap
6. Adventure Lights VIP IR/green strobe
7. CAT
8. CAA g25 AR grip
9. Insight peq pressure switch
10. SOF bladetech Glock with X200 kydex holster
11. BHI riggers belt medium I believe

1. SO TECH jungle camo molle hyrdration pouch
2. SO TECH jungle camo molle FB kydex m4 fastmag pouches
3. SO TECH jungle camo molle small radio pouch
4. SO TECH jungle camo molle SAW pouch
5. Eagle Industries complete IFAK with all the fixins"

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
I will take photos of mine tonight,some of my gear stay in my office,
Do you collect vintage gear?such as LBT 1195..90s Seals Gear
For modern Gear
I have
CP AOR1 Phototype Combat Shirt SMALL REGULAR
BHI HPFU EARLY GEN Small Regular and Medium Regular,I have two sets
LBT 1961A First GEN CT
LBT 1961A First GEN AOR2
LBT 1961G CT
LBT 6094 Slick MC
LBT 2649E-CT for 1961
LBT 2616A Medium Magazine Dump Pouch CB and CT
MLCS HARNESS Early Gen Black Buckles
SFLCS RRV Tan Buckles
OD AI MBSS S/M with mag pouch,admin pouch and MAP
I also have some SUREFIRE M952 with arms mount
I also want to take
5. Wilcox control grip m600 scout tailcap
6. Adventure Lights VIP IR/green strobe
7. CAT
8. CAA g25 AR grip
9. Insight peq pressure switch
10. SOF bladetech Glock with X200 kydex holster
11. BHI riggers belt medium I believe
sorry,i may not take the AOR2 uniform because the color not match my 6094
how much is the AOR1 2586 worth?
how do we carry out the trade?
My friend can get one set of NAVY CUSTOM AOR1 set from DEVGRU,but the price was crazy to me...if you interest,I can get one set for you
He said USD$800 for the pants and $1200 for full set,new condition
I am happy to trade with you here

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
"Hi, not interested in the packs
But I have a AOR2 Mystery Ranch grizzly you might be interested in?
Also have an old MLCS kit with black zippers and the while works on its way to me....dont really need it.
"Do you collect vintage gear?"
Just doing the modern thing right now, unless its something I can flip because I kind of need money right now.
interested in prices on these:
"CP AOR1 Phototype Combat Shirt SMALL REGULAR
LBT 1961A First GEN CT
OD AI MBSS S/M with mag pouch,admin pouch and MAP"
"I also want to take"
5. Wilcox control grip m600 scout tailcap $200
6. Adventure Lights VIP IR/green strobe $100
7. CAT $20
8. CAA g25 AR grip $15
9. Insight peq pressure switch $30
10. SOF bladetech Glock with X200 kydex holster $60
11. BHI riggers belt medium I believe $18
$443 total
And what are your offers on the whole Tan lot?
"sorry,i may not take the AOR2 uniform because the color not match my 6094"
no worries. it is slightly off because it is their test go.
"how much is the AOR1 2586 worth?"
$600 work for you?
"how do we carry out the trade?"
add up values and what not and see where that puts us.
"My friend can get one set of NAVY CUSTOM AOR1 set from DEVGRU,but the price was crazy to me...if you interest"
tell him I'd buy 32R aor1 combat pants for $600
let me know
thank you"

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
Thank you for your fast reply,
Forgot to tell you that I come from Hong Kong and I bought something from you before,
for those ''whole Tan lot''
i want to take them all,
5. Wilcox control grip m600 scout tailcap $200
6. Adventure Lights VIP IR/green strobe $100
7. CAT $20
8. CAA g25 AR grip $15
9. Insight peq pressure switch $30
10. SOF bladetech Glock with X200 kydex holster $60
11. BHI riggers belt medium I believe $18
$443 total
and the 6094 type plate carrier,if the price is reasnable,
I will take it too
32R aor1 combat pants for $600,
He said if USD$700,it is no problem and he will get you a new one,with pads
The OD MBSS also include a double mag pouch

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
"Yeah that is excellent I contacted some of my past buyers privately before I list anything, you being one of them
let me know your offer for the tan lot. or would you rather me add it up and let you know?
for the LBT 6094 type vest $120?
How much for the MBSS with map and all?
can you show your friend my photos and see if he would be interested in any sort of a trade to get the pants cost lower?
Thank you"

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
is it orginal ?
how much is it?
3. TASC headset

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
"yes real deal davies headset $110"

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
he will take it

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
"Sounds good, so $590 for AOR1 CRYE precision combat pants in 32 Regular
with gen 2 pads I hope ?"

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
Brand new in bag gen 2 pad in tan

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
"tell Him I will do it please
As for our deal I will pass on the mbss and 1961...well I would maybe take the 1961 but I would just be selling it unfortunately so I'd rather not.
And the shirt I am unsure of right now"

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
sorry for my English
Do you mean you take the 1961A and MBSS but not the shirt?
For the pants,I will collect money for my friend and he will get it for you from US,and it takes 2 weeks,
But he said he want to collect the money first

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
"I will not take them. and I am still undecided on the shirt.
That is fine. since you are buying stuff from me, we will just minus that amount off what you will be paying me and give it directly to him.
will that work for you?
I also have this:
please show all your friends

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
I am also don't have much cash now,
If you do not take anything from me,
I can't afford all of them,
by the way,
How much for the full kit?

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
"okay I will think of what to take then.
Let me know offers for the whole kit please"

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
for the kit,
just asking it for anoter friend of mine,
If you want to take the CP AOR1 pants 32R,
please send the money first,because I've to collect it for my friend,
The package will leave the USA before xmas,should be today or coming Monday,
he ordered a lot from a US seller.
and we have paid a lot to him,
only some of us still looking for TAN gear,most of my friend go to AOR already,
I will be happy if we can trade for the kit and other Tan gear lot
because we don't have much cash now

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
"let me know what his offer is for the kit please
how about this:
you owe me $1260
I'll take the combat shirt for $400
leaving you owing $860
you pay your friend $590
you pay me $270 plus shipping and pp and I will get the lot of everything shipped out.
does that work for you?"

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
can you also take the MBSS for USD $550 ,with MAP and all pouch ?

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
(he offered a opscore ballistic fast helmet)
"No thank you on the helmet.
I would prefer to do this:
"you owe me $1260
I'll take the combat shirt for $400
leaving you owing $860
you pay your friend $590
you pay me $270 plus shipping and pp and I will get the lot of everything shipped out.
does that work for you?"
If you can't do that at all what would be your best price on the 1961 first gen"

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
Can you take it at $550?
My friend just bought one at $650,
$550 is my best price,
is it ok?

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
"I can't afford them both really right now. I could take the 1961 for $550 instead of the shirt
or maybe the 1961 and shirt for $800"

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
Will you consider $850 for both ?
I buy your ''whole tan lot'' to resell locally,
I can't afford a lot this time

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
"Yes I will do that.
new outcome:
you owe me $1260
I'll take the combat shirt and 1961 for $850
leaving you owing $410 plus shipping
you pay your friend $410 towards the pants
I send him the rest which is $180
It is okay for me to send the TASC headset with your lot? "

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
Please send it with
For the process,
I will tell my friend to comfirm to take on 32R AOR1 pants for you,
You send the USD$180(send it as personal payment if you can,it can save 4% paypal fees)
After that,I will send the package of yours and you send the package of mine,
and  the AOR1 pants from my friend should arrive after the christmas holiday of HONG KONG,that is 27/12,they said it would be send by DHL express...
And I will told him to send the pants after I have the package from you
is that fine?

Fri, 17 Dec 2010:
"are you going to send my stuff EMS express?
Canada post shipping is expensive I will get you a quote
Thank you"

Mon, 20 Dec 2010:
Your package will go tomorrow
What about mine?

Mon, 20 Dec 2010:
"Hey sorry I was not at the office all weekend.
EMS 5 day express to HK is $170 CAD
you can paypal it if you would like?"

Mon, 20 Dec 2010:
My credit card is over limit this month,
Do you mind if I throw a EAGLE AOR1 hyfration pouch and a BHI HPFU pants M-R instead of the $170

Mon, 20 Dec 2010:
"Sure man that will work. Much appreciated!
It will go out today then.  
are you able to send yours express too please?
let me know tracking today
Thank you very much"

[ 本帖最後由 bonzonie 於 10-1-2011 19:30 編輯 ]


Tue, 21 Dec 2010:
My employee send your package for me today,
I will get you the tracking number before xmas if possible,
Do you have the tracking number of mine?

Tue, 21 Dec 2010:
"Could you please get me the tracking number as soon as possible please
Thank you so much"

Wed, 22 Dec 2010:
Really sorry,
I have to apologise here,
I mix up something with another buyer of mine,
Your package still in my office,and I forgot to get you name and address!
how stupid i am.
may I have your address and name here,i still have one day here to post it before the holiday
I apologise,I got too much trade this month,
luckily,i didn't send it to another guy,
my bad

Tue, 21 Dec 2010:
"Hmmm, Okay
Please let me know the express tracking number tomorrow as soon as shipped.
Riley Boland
88 Fairview Crescent S.E.
Calgary, Alberta
T2H 0Z6
please put this on the customs label:
$75 value
mark as a "gift"
contents "nylon clothing"
Much appreciated,

Wed, 22 Dec 2010:
will let u know in an Hour,
Please also let me know mibe =)
i am so excited with it

Wed, 22 Dec 2010:
Here is your tracking number
Please let me know if you have mine

Wed, 22 Dec 2010:
"Hey man, when are my pants going to be posted?
I just want to confirm ont hose once again to be safe:
AOR1, 32Reg, Crye combat pants, Navy cut, gen 2 tan pads.
let me know

Thu, 23 Dec 2010:
It should arrive next week,
and i will post it when it arrive,asap
did you sned the package of mine?
I have throw a EAGLE AOR1 hyfration pouch and a BHI HPFU pants M-R into your package,
you should receive it soon
please write back to me
thank you

Wed, 22 Dec 2010:
"sorry lost in translation, so the pants are on their way to you and you will then ship them out?
because before you told me they were shipping from the states directly
yes EE132687288CA

Thu, 23 Dec 2010:
my friend ordered a lot from US and it needed to send everything to HK first


亦有legitkit 網主和在下談及CGF 此post 的"z"君 , 文中提及的"Wey Ferro"正正是樓主resluchub , 亦是Ferro Concept Gear 的負責人

Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2011 14:42:26 -0500
Subject: Re: scammer
From: service@lgtkit.com
To: xxxxxxxx@hotmail.com


Thanks for the update ! Also, thanks for helping Wey Ferro with his dealings with Martin Yim. He (Martin) has been a pain to me, buying 80+ items off eBay and not paying. Luckily I didn't ship anything, so it was more frustrating then a real loss of money, but I consider Ferro a friend of mine and he lost quite a bit to him as you know.

Legit Kit

Email: service@lgtkit.com
Web: www.lgtkit.com

[ 本帖最後由 bonzonie 於 10-1-2011 17:00 編輯 ]


原帖由 於 10-1-2011 16:51 發表
you right..

下圖果個"a lot"字眼 ,實際可能係同一人 ......

[ 本帖最後由 bonzonie 於 10-1-2011 17:22 編輯 ]


cap6.JPG (46.44 KB)

10-1-2011 17:20



原帖由 seamoncheng 於 10-1-2011 17:42 發表

如第一頁 #5 所指,

所以我都希望那些外國人, 用gd1893師兄的方法 ,先各自report


[ 本帖最後由 bonzonie 於 10-1-2011 18:24 編輯 ]


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